year abroad

Back to Bristol

“Hey…(*keeps walking, suddenly realises it’s been a year, stops and turns around*), wait, oh my goodness! Good to see you, how have you been? How was your year abroad? Where was it..? America! How was America? That’s crazy…” It really is… It was. It’s so strange to think that last year, Bristol student life continued […]

year abroad

I’m back!!!

Well hello there! Did you think I’d given up on the blog? Been swallowed up by the American college system never to return? Gone off travelling around the US with no connection to the outside world… ? Well no, not quite! I’ve loved keeping this blog throughout the year, for my own state of mind […]

year abroad

“It’s just not me”: culture shock dress shop

I feel like I’m in a dress shop where none of the jackets I’m trying on quite fit. All of them are different and some of them are quite nice and I really like them, but they still don’t seem to fit me right. That’s culture shock. It’s hard to describe. Because it’s not exactly […]

year abroad

Procrastination station- a stream of consciousness

“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.” “…so that means we only have four weeks of teaching this semester-” Well reader, I choked on my sip of coffee (from my reusable Bank of America cup of course). I mean choked. Loudly. Started […]

year abroad

Hundreds and thousands

My internal monologue: “Right up you get, new day, get on out, quickly does it, go and smile at the world and enjoy the beautiful Boston sunrise (cause it really is beautiful), lots of people to see, places to go (cause that’s what the year abroad is all about), but then remember to work a […]

year abroad

A little post on 14th February

The term really has run away with me! Boston College is in full swing and I’m enjoying feeling more and more included as part of the student body here. Following that weekend of a lot of snow, we’ve come full circle as the blanket of snow lies over Boston again following a second snowstorm. I […]

year abroad

Not resolutions…but resolutions

I always cringe at the idea of New Years’ Resolutions. I mean, think about it- the idea that anything can be truly resolved in a year is a funny one. Often people choose the same resolution again and again and again because they still haven’t resolved the one from last year. But these are 10 […]

year abroad

Don’t let me drone on…

“I was a Gatwick survivor” I write this now, 3 weeks after the traumatic event, having just about caught up on sleep before becoming jet lagged once again. I consider this a remarkably quick recovery period. Me and my fellow passengers joked that the scenario would become a funny story in about 2 Christmases’ time. […]

year abroad

Everyday shmeveryday

It can be so easy on blogs to describe events or particular themes without actually giving an insight into life in the everyday! So for those who are thinking “what are you actually doing out there in Boston on a regular day”, this blog is for you! (I wrote this a while back but forgot […]

year abroad


This is the poem to answer the questions of why I haven’t blogged in so long. I genuinely have to stop and consider Where on earth the last month’s gone October literally flew right by November’s already brought the snow Thanksgiving is literally round the corner The term is building up momentum towards its close […]